Galactic Speedway Creator Challenge Creator Challenge

Last Updated: February 6, 2025
Roblox Galactic Speedway Creator Challenge

Complete 6 challenge quizzes to get 6 cosmetic items in Roblox

In this tutorial you will learn to design and build a custom speed racer.

You can start the official tutorial here but it is not required to get the free cosmetic rewards.

To start the quiz challenge and earn rewards go to the Galactic Speedway Creator Challenge page and click the green button to start the challenge.

You can find all of the questions, answers and rewards below on this page.

1. Get Off the Ground:

Answer 3 randomly selected questions below to complete this challenge.
Question: Which is not one of the steps to building the speeders?
Answer: Creating a Garage
Question: Which password below can best protect an account?
Answer: Sp@ceYe@h
Question: When working on a game, how often should you save your work?
Answer: All of the above
Question: To move an object in specific direction, you should:
Answer: Use the directional arrows with the move tools
Question: Publishing saves your work online, so you can access it in any computer.
Answer: True
Question: How do you Zoom the camera in and out?
Answer: Use a scroll-wheel or press W and S

Lesson Reward:

Supernova Pauldrons
Name: Supernova Pauldrons
Type: Accessory | Shoulder
Genre: Adventure, Sci-Fi
Catalog: Link

2. Adding Wings:

Answer 3 randomly selected questions below to complete this challenge.
Question: The process of combining multiple objects into one model is:
Answer: Grouping
Question: What keyboard press lets you duplicate objects?
Answer: Ctrl + D
Question: Where can you turn Collisions on or off?
Answer: The Home and Model tabs
Question: A finished speeder should be placed into what section of the Explorer.
Answer: Garage
Question: If collisions are on, and you duplicate a wing, it'll appear:
Answer: In the same place as the original wing
Question: Which tab does not include the Move, Rotate, and Scale tools?
Answer: View
Question: Rotate snapping lets you do what to parts?
Answer: Rotate parts a set amount a time
Question: While building, you should always work in one camera angle, such as the top view or side view.
Answer: False
Question: What should you do during a playtest?
Answer: All of the above

Lesson Reward:

Scrap Metal Hat
Name: Scrap Metal Hat
Type: Accessory | Hat
Genre: Sci-Fi, Adventure, Building
Catalog: Link

3. Customize and Share:

Answer 3 randomly selected questions below to complete this challenge.
Question: So other can play, a game needs to be set to:
Answer: Public
Question: A variable is:
Answer: A placeholder for information that can be updated as needed
Question: Scripts:
Answer: Hold code
Question: Roblox Studio scripts use which programming language:
Answer: Lua
Question: Once you upload a model to Roblox, what is one of the benefits you get?
Answer: All of the above
Question: What variable changes how fast a driftspeeder can go?
Answer: DefaultSpeed
Question: After making a code change, you should:
Answer: Playtest to see if your code works correctly
Question: For DefaultSpeed, which number might cause issues for your speeder in-game?
Answer: 5000
Question: What's the name of the script with variables that control a driftspeeder?
Answer: Settings

Lesson Reward:

Rover the Astro-Pup
Name: Rover the Astro-Pup
Type: Accessory | Shoulder
Genre: Sci-Fi, Adventure, Building
Catalog: Link

4. Adding New Models:

Answer 3 randomly selected questions below to complete this challenge.
Question: To open the Toolbox, which tab should you go to?
Answer: View
Question: If you create and sell game assets, like 3D models, you can earn Robux.
Answer: True
Question: 3D models are one type of game asset.
Answer: True
Question: Duplicating text from a 3D character model is good.
Answer: False
Question: The Driftspeeder Parts kit is saved in what part of your Toolbox inventory?
Answer: My Models
Question: Your Toolbox Inventory stores the following:
Answer: Game Assets, like models or sounds

Lesson Reward:

Saturn Ring Hat
Name: Saturn Ring Hat
Type: Accessory | Hat
Genre: Sci-Fi, Adventure, Building
Catalog: Link

5. Colors and Textures:

Answer 3 randomly selected questions below to complete this challenge.
Question: Changing the texture of a 3D model lets you:
Answer: All of the above
Question: A driftspeeder can only use one texture file for all it's parts.
Answer: False
Question: Which of the following looks like a real TextureID?
Answer: rbxassetid://4433431206
Question: On the driftspeeder part,which property changes the texture?
Answer: TextureID
Question: Games can only use Roblox made textures. You can't create your own.
Answer: False

Lesson Reward:

Scrapper's Backpack
Name: Scrapper's Backpack
Type: Accessory | Back
Genre: Sci-Fi, Building, Adventure
Catalog: Link

6. Design the World:

Answer 3 randomly selected questions below to complete this challenge.
Question: In the Explorer, under where can you find the Terrain Object?
Answer: Workspace
Question: A terrain material is a paintable surface, like grass or water.
Answer: True
Question: Which Terrain Tool is used to change Terrain Texture?
Answer: Paint
Question: Which property of Terrain is used to change the colors of each surface?
Answer: TerrainColors

Lesson Reward:

Hyperspace Jetpack
Name: Hyperspace Jetpack
Type: Accessory | Back
Genre: Town and City, Adventure, Building
Catalog: Link