Desafío para Creadores Godzilla Creator Challenge

Última Actualización: 12 de febrero de 2025
Roblox Godzilla Creator Challenge

Complete 3 challenge quizzes and earn 3 Godzilla cosmetic items in Roblox

In this tutorial you will learn how to design a multiplayer map where players stomp down cities.

Puedes iniciar el tutorial oficial aquí pero no es necesario para obtener las recompensas cosméticas gratuitas.

Para iniciar el desafío del cuestionario y ganar recompensas, ve a la página de Godzilla Creator Challenge y haz clic en el botón verde para comenzar el desafío.

Puedes encontrar todas las preguntas, respuestas y recompensas a continuación en esta página.

Challenge 1:

Answer 3 questions that are randomly selected from the questions below to complete this challenge.
Pregunta: What is NOT considered one of the most important elements when designing a map?
Respuesta: The locations of your ads
Pregunta: In Roblox Studio, what sets the player starting locations?
Respuesta: SpawnLocation object
Pregunta: When working on a game map, when is it a good idea to save your game?
Respuesta: Whenever making a big change that you don't want to lose
Pregunta: Where can you change the Snap to Grid settings?
Respuesta: The Model tab
Pregunta: What command is handy to use when something moves in a way you don't want?
Respuesta: Ctrl + Z
Pregunta: How do you zoom the camera in and out?
Respuesta: Use a scroll-wheel or W and S
Pregunta: The world builder is responsible for which of the following?
Respuesta: Shaping the environment challenges for players
Pregunta: What is the best way of moving a building?
Respuesta: Using the Move tool, click on arrow handles to move
Pregunta: What role focuses on shaping the game environment?
Respuesta: World builder
Pregunta: Where should you start when building maps?
Respuesta: Start with the most important things first

Recompensa de la lección:

Rodan's Head
Nombre: Rodan's Head
Tipo: Accessory | Hat
Género: Fighting, Adventure
Catálogo: Enlace

Challenge 2:

Answer 3 questions that are randomly selected from the questions below to complete this challenge.
Pregunta: What makes it easier to move and rotate objects without them getting in the way?
Respuesta: Turning off Collisions
Pregunta: What terrain tool changes the texture without changing the shape?
Respuesta: The Paint Tool
Pregunta: What brush settings give you more control over the terrain tools?
Respuesta: Size and strength settings
Pregunta: If collisions are on, and you duplicate a building, it'll appear
Respuesta: Above the original building
Pregunta: How do you see a top-down view of the world?
Respuesta: Select an object > Press F > Use the View Selector
Pregunta: Why should you remember to rotate your camera and see the terrain from multiple angles?
Respuesta: To better see what your terrain looks like
Pregunta: What is playtesting?
Respuesta: Playing a game to check it's fun and bug-free
Pregunta: What helps you get a better look at all the angles of an object in Roblox Studio?
Respuesta: The View Selector
Pregunta: What tab is the Terrain Editor located in Roblox Studio?
Respuesta: Home Tab
Pregunta: Where can you turn Collisions on or off?
Respuesta: The Home and Model tabs

Recompensa de la lección:

Godzilla Spine Backpack
Nombre: Godzilla Spine Backpack
Tipo: Accessory | Back
Género: Fighting, Adventure
Catálogo: Enlace

Challenge 3:

Answer 3 questions that are randomly selected from the questions below to complete this challenge.
Pregunta: What will help players get an idea of what the game is about?
Respuesta: The game icon and thumbnail
Pregunta: Once your game has published you can...
Respuesta: All of the above
Pregunta: The game icon is the image that shows up on...
Respuesta: ... the Roblox Games page
Pregunta: In coding, arrays are used to...
Respuesta: ... organize values
Pregunta: Where can you change the settings of your game like the points value and length of rounds?
Respuesta: GameSettings script
Pregunta: To change how many seconds a round of the game lasts:
Respuesta: Change RoundDuration in GameSettings
Pregunta: The thumbnail is the image that shows up on...
Respuesta: ... the game's dedicated page
Pregunta: Custom items can be added to be destroyed for points.
Respuesta: True
Pregunta: You can allow your friends to play your game...
Respuesta: ... in Game Settings
Pregunta: The thumbnail for your game can be changed...
Respuesta: ... in Game Settings

Recompensa de la lección:

Ghidorah's Wings
Nombre: Ghidorah's Wings
Tipo: Accessory | Back
Género: Fighting, Adventure, Building
Catálogo: Enlace