Défi de créateur Mansion of Wonder

Dernière mise à jour: 6 février 2025
Roblox Mansion of Wonder

Enter 4 codes to get 4 cosmetic items in Roblox

The Build It, Play It: Mansion of Wonder creator challenge is out now! Redeem 4 FREE items by entering the game and redeeming the following codes at the Swag Booth.

Pour gagner des récompenses, allez sur la page Mansion of Wonder et cliquez sur le bouton vert pour lancer le défi.

After loading into the game, walk over to the fox at the Swag Booth (he will be standing on a yellow circle). Talk to him to enter the codes.

undefined undefined
Accessory | Back
undefined undefined
Accessory | Waist
undefined undefined
Accessory | Waist
undefined undefined
Accessory | Shoulder
undefined undefined
Accessory | Hat