Desafio do Criador Galactic Speedway Creator Challenge

Última Atualização: 6 de fevereiro de 2025
Roblox Galactic Speedway Creator Challenge

Complete 6 challenge quizzes to get 6 cosmetic items in Roblox

In this tutorial you will learn to design and build a custom speed racer.

Você pode iniciar o tutorial oficial aqui, mas não é necessário para obter as recompensas cosméticas gratuitas.

Para iniciar o desafio do quiz e ganhar recompensas, vá para a página Galactic Speedway Creator Challenge e clique no botão verde para iniciar o desafio.

Você pode encontrar todas as perguntas, respostas e recompensas abaixo nesta página.

1. Get Off the Ground:

Answer 3 randomly selected questions below to complete this challenge.
Pergunta: Which is not one of the steps to building the speeders?
Resposta: Creating a Garage
Pergunta: Which password below can best protect an account?
Resposta: Sp@ceYe@h
Pergunta: When working on a game, how often should you save your work?
Resposta: All of the above
Pergunta: To move an object in specific direction, you should:
Resposta: Use the directional arrows with the move tools
Pergunta: Publishing saves your work online, so you can access it in any computer.
Resposta: True
Pergunta: How do you Zoom the camera in and out?
Resposta: Use a scroll-wheel or press W and S

Recompensa da Lição:

Supernova Pauldrons
Nome: Supernova Pauldrons
Tipo: Accessory | Shoulder
Gênero: Adventure, Sci-Fi
Catálogo: Link

2. Adding Wings:

Answer 3 randomly selected questions below to complete this challenge.
Pergunta: The process of combining multiple objects into one model is:
Resposta: Grouping
Pergunta: What keyboard press lets you duplicate objects?
Resposta: Ctrl + D
Pergunta: Where can you turn Collisions on or off?
Resposta: The Home and Model tabs
Pergunta: A finished speeder should be placed into what section of the Explorer.
Resposta: Garage
Pergunta: If collisions are on, and you duplicate a wing, it'll appear:
Resposta: In the same place as the original wing
Pergunta: Which tab does not include the Move, Rotate, and Scale tools?
Resposta: View
Pergunta: Rotate snapping lets you do what to parts?
Resposta: Rotate parts a set amount a time
Pergunta: While building, you should always work in one camera angle, such as the top view or side view.
Resposta: False
Pergunta: What should you do during a playtest?
Resposta: All of the above

Recompensa da Lição:

Scrap Metal Hat
Nome: Scrap Metal Hat
Tipo: Accessory | Hat
Gênero: Sci-Fi, Adventure, Building
Catálogo: Link

3. Customize and Share:

Answer 3 randomly selected questions below to complete this challenge.
Pergunta: So other can play, a game needs to be set to:
Resposta: Public
Pergunta: A variable is:
Resposta: A placeholder for information that can be updated as needed
Pergunta: Scripts:
Resposta: Hold code
Pergunta: Roblox Studio scripts use which programming language:
Resposta: Lua
Pergunta: Once you upload a model to Roblox, what is one of the benefits you get?
Resposta: All of the above
Pergunta: What variable changes how fast a driftspeeder can go?
Resposta: DefaultSpeed
Pergunta: After making a code change, you should:
Resposta: Playtest to see if your code works correctly
Pergunta: For DefaultSpeed, which number might cause issues for your speeder in-game?
Resposta: 5000
Pergunta: What's the name of the script with variables that control a driftspeeder?
Resposta: Settings

Recompensa da Lição:

Rover the Astro-Pup
Nome: Rover the Astro-Pup
Tipo: Accessory | Shoulder
Gênero: Sci-Fi, Adventure, Building
Catálogo: Link

4. Adding New Models:

Answer 3 randomly selected questions below to complete this challenge.
Pergunta: To open the Toolbox, which tab should you go to?
Resposta: View
Pergunta: If you create and sell game assets, like 3D models, you can earn Robux.
Resposta: True
Pergunta: 3D models are one type of game asset.
Resposta: True
Pergunta: Duplicating text from a 3D character model is good.
Resposta: False
Pergunta: The Driftspeeder Parts kit is saved in what part of your Toolbox inventory?
Resposta: My Models
Pergunta: Your Toolbox Inventory stores the following:
Resposta: Game Assets, like models or sounds

Recompensa da Lição:

Saturn Ring Hat
Nome: Saturn Ring Hat
Tipo: Accessory | Hat
Gênero: Sci-Fi, Adventure, Building
Catálogo: Link

5. Colors and Textures:

Answer 3 randomly selected questions below to complete this challenge.
Pergunta: Changing the texture of a 3D model lets you:
Resposta: All of the above
Pergunta: A driftspeeder can only use one texture file for all it's parts.
Resposta: False
Pergunta: Which of the following looks like a real TextureID?
Resposta: rbxassetid://4433431206
Pergunta: On the driftspeeder part,which property changes the texture?
Resposta: TextureID
Pergunta: Games can only use Roblox made textures. You can't create your own.
Resposta: False

Recompensa da Lição:

Scrapper's Backpack
Nome: Scrapper's Backpack
Tipo: Accessory | Back
Gênero: Sci-Fi, Building, Adventure
Catálogo: Link

6. Design the World:

Answer 3 randomly selected questions below to complete this challenge.
Pergunta: In the Explorer, under where can you find the Terrain Object?
Resposta: Workspace
Pergunta: A terrain material is a paintable surface, like grass or water.
Resposta: True
Pergunta: Which Terrain Tool is used to change Terrain Texture?
Resposta: Paint
Pergunta: Which property of Terrain is used to change the colors of each surface?
Resposta: TerrainColors

Recompensa da Lição:

Hyperspace Jetpack
Nome: Hyperspace Jetpack
Tipo: Accessory | Back
Gênero: Town and City, Adventure, Building
Catálogo: Link